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Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Courses

OUHSC; Development and Behavioral Pediatrics; Center on Child Abuse & Neglect

Date Submitted: 09/08/2021

Contact Information:

La’ Chanda K. Stephens-Totimeh – Research Project Coordinator & PAC Facilitator


1000 NE 13th St. FI Nicholson Twr 4200 Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Rating Category: Promising Practice

Focus Area: Social Emotional Learning

Focus Population: Children, Caregivers, Guardians, Parents

Goals and Outcomes:

The primary goals of this submission are to (1) promote a state-wide training program in developing and maintaining effective Parent Advisory Committees and (2) to secure funding to support this training program. The intended outcomes are to launch Parent Advisory Committees (PACs) for child and family serving organizations and programs across the state of Oklahoma and provide continued training and support for these PACs to ensure their effectiveness and sustainable implementation over time.

More specifically, building off our established history of successfully developing and maintaining an effective Parent Advisory Committee, the Oklahoma Health Sciences Center’s SafeCare© Parent Partnership Advisory Committee (SC PPAC) plans to facilitate a training for outside agencies to develop and maintain their Parent Advisory Committees (PACs). We plan to offer several options for this training including a comprehensive course on the development of PACs, which is designed for professionals without experience designing or maintaining a PAC or parenting board. This course consists of 2 all-day trainings (8 hours each) and 10 monthly 1.5-hour calls on select topics (e.g., diversity and inclusion, implementation, progress reports from trainees). Agencies across the state are eligible to participate as trainings will be held virtually.

Brief Summary:

Research studies, such as the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study, support the premise that early adversity impairs children’s development and health. Further, inequities at the individual, family, and systems level must be addressed to truly enhance the well-being of children. Other research has indicated there is a continuum of services, including home-based parenting programs (also called “home-visiting), that positively impact caregivers’ ability to provide nurturing, stable relationships. These services have been found to enhance protective factors, mitigate the impact of early adversity, and potentially prevent the occurrence of ACEs. Importantly, to improve the continuum of services addressing and preventing ACEs, parent outreach is needed to help bolster family protective factors and community voice is needed to inform policy and funding decisions. Community voice is essential for combating inequities through providing more congruent, relevant services. Further, an understanding of the barriers of high-risk families in accessing needed services is needed when making policy and funding decisions. Over the past ten years, the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center’s SafeCare© Parent Partnership Advisory Committee has provided parent voice to educate and support legislators and key stakeholders in making policy and funding decisions based on key areas including: a) parenting and support programs to support high-risk families (home-based parenting, community mental health, etc.), b) high quality physical and mental health care and emotion socialization for children and their caregivers, c) affordable and safe housing for high-risk children and families, d) high quality early childhood education programs, e) high-quality, nutritious food, and f) employment and educational opportunities for caregivers.

Our proposal is targeted to all family-serving agencies in Oklahoma that wish to start up their own parent partnership advisory committee. We propose to train these agencies on the creation and sustainable implementation of parent partnership advisory committees and will provide year-long technical assistance to all participating agencies.

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