Quality in Oklahoma Early Childhood
The Clearinghouse is committed to continually advancing the definition of quality in early child care and education. This is accomplished by accelerating innovation, integrating research-based practices and conducting practice-informed research. The knowledge gained through our efforts is shared with parents, policymakers and childcare providers all in pursuit of improving early childhood systems and maximizing public/private partnerships.
“There is nothing more important than ensuring our state’s children will have successful futures.”
— Justin Brown, Former Oklahoma Secretary for Human Services and Early Childhood Initiative
About the Clearinghouse
The Oklahoma Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Success promotes well-being for Oklahoma children and their families by building an evolving definition of quality, fast-tracking innovation, implementing research-informed practice and practice-informed research to support and improve early childhood systems and maximizing public/private partnerships. Established in 2020 by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, the Clearinghouse was transferred to Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness in 2021.

Submissions to Date
To date, 27 submissions have been approved by the Clearinghouse, with 14 programs receiving implementation grants totaling more than $8.4 million. These funded submissions have addressed needs ranging from social and emotional well-being to expanding early childhood mental health services to improving early literacy practices across the state. Submissions are accepted twice a year and during an invitational round.
Check out all of the funded programs by clicking on the program registry button.
Frequently Asked Questions
When was the Clearinghouse established?Established in 2020 by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, the Clearinghouse was transferred to Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness in 2021.
How do I submit my research, best practice or innovative idea?The Clearinghouse will request proposals quarterly on selected topic areas and defined outcomes. The website contains a link to the submission form with instructions.
Once I complete a submission, how long does it take to discover how it was rated?The review process could take up to 90 days from the date the submission request window closes.
What types of relevant supporting documents will be accepted?Submitters can include annual audit reports, budgets, a 990 form and/or a certificate of incorporation.
I am an Oklahoma early childhood education provider, what supports are available and how do I access them?Users can search by topic area, program or type of tools available (e.g. toolkits, on-line training, manuals, guides, etc.)
Do you work in other states?The Clearinghouse is a public website so anyone can review the submissions reviewed along with their ratings; however, implementation support is limited to Oklahoma providers.
Is there anything available to support smaller home based child care centers?Yes, and we want to hear your innovative ideas and see your practice-based submissions. Clearinghouse staff are available to assist you in completing your submission. For additional resources for family child care homes, please visit the Thrive Network website.
How can I be nominated to be part of the Clearinghouse Committees?If you are interested in serving on one, please email to okclearinghouse@okschoolreadiness.org. We will forward to the Nominating and Governance Committee.